Posted in English

English: Non-Chronological Reports

Children are preparing to write non-chronological reports about fauns or hobbits! We chose these creatures based of our class reads The Hobbit and Narnia.

Children got into groups, and each got a different feature to look for. This included:


Formal language



Subheadings and Headings


Children then read a variety of non-chronological reports in order to find the different features. These are all features that they need to use for their reports.

Posted in English, Quartz class


Children have been continuing to learn how to perform poetry. On Thursday, we explored Michael Rosen’s poem Strict.

Children watched him perform his poem, and took note of his voice, facial quality, and his actions. Children then performed the poem in groups to the class! They did such a great job, and it’s sure to give you a laugh!

Posted in English

English: Poetry

Today, students performed poems they have previously analysed to the class. When they were studying the poems, they looked for rhyme, rhythm, imagery, stanzas and figurative language.

Students practiced performing poetry by changing the volume of their voices, pitch, speaking in unison, and adding actions.

Students are preparing to write their “Proud to be Me,” poems, which they will be performing for assembly. This will allow them to think about how they will perform their poems, as they are writing them!

Posted in English

Reading for Pleasure

Today, students presented their book reports! Children were able to choose their favourite book, and creatively convince the class to read it (using dance, song, acting, costume, props).

I was blown away by the creativity today! What a fantastic way to end a lovely term. I cannot wait to see everyone in April!

Posted in English, Quartz class

Book Week: Day 5

Today, children rewrote Rumpelstiltskin into their own story! They were able to change the characters, setting, and the events. Some children kept the story quite similar to the original, and others reimagined the tale.

Posted in English, Quartz class

Book Week: Day 3

Today, students retold Rumpelstiltskin from the perspective of any character in the story.

They got to pick which characters perspective they were telling the story from. In the afternoon they got to perform for Year 2!

Posted in English, Quartz class

Book Week: Day 2

Today, we got deeper into the story of Rumpelstiltskin by doing a hot seat activity! We did this before with our Ancient Greek day. Students sat in a seat at the front of the class, and answered questions pretending to be a character from the story.

We also made wanted posters for the characters in the story!

Posted in English, Quartz class

Book Week: Day 1

Yesterday, we learnt about the story Rumpelstiltskin. We became familiar with the events of the story by making a class storyboard. Each student focused on a different part of the story, and got to share their work with the class.

Posted in English, Quartz class

Year 4 Persuasive Speeches

In Year 4, we have learned to use persuasive language to write speeches. Children had the option to write about one of the following:

– Longer break time for children.

– Abolishing school uniforms.

-Getting rid of homework.

On their treat day, students had the opportunity to preform their speeches for the class, and they did a fantastic job!